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chili pepper
14 novembre 2011

Smoked Black Tea Baked Beans

Smoked Black Tea Baked Beans
This recipe is easy. And good. Put all the ingrediants in a a big dish with a lid and that can go in the oven. Cook for many hours at low heat, until the beans are tender. Just add a little water from time to time if the mix seems dry to you. I ate them...
14 juillet 2011

Middle Eastern Ravioli

Middle Eastern Ravioli
I made these as my first Daring Cooks Chalenge. I was very busy at the time so I was a bit late in post the pictures for this recipe, sorry! The Dough: Pour 300g of flour and 1 tea of salt on to your counter and make a well in the center. Crack 2 eggs...
27 février 2011

Sweet Beef Stew

Sweet Beef Stew
Slice up 2 onions, 2 sweet onions and 2 cloves of garlic. Fry these up in 2 tbs of olive oil and 1tbs of sunflower oil in a big pot. When transparent add your beef, I used 3 plat de côtes I'm sorry but I have no idea what this piece of meat is called...
6 juin 2009

Roasted bell pepper cheasecake on a parmesan pavlova with tangy green chutney

Roasted bell pepper cheasecake on a parmesan pavlova with tangy green chutney
Parmesan pavlova: Set the oven to heat at 180°C. Beat 4 egg whites until stiff. Sprinkle on top 1 tea of white vinegar and 1 tbs of maïzena. Gently fold in 1/2 cup of freashly grated parmesan. Draw 6 10cm diameter circles on a sheet of wax paper and place...
26 mars 2009

Quesadillas croustillantes au crème d'haricots blancs et vache qui rit

Quesadillas croustillantes au crème d'haricots blancs et vache qui rit
Crème d'haricots blancs: -1/2 bocal d'haricots blancs -1/2 onion -2 petits piments rouges frais Précuire l'onion haché 2min au micro-ondes. Mixer tous les ingredients, pour obtenir une purée bien crèmeuse. Préchauffer une poêle avec une noisette d'huile....